This is a space to land in your body.

Evolving with deep Somatics

Eva holds a body oriented trauma informed coaching container for you to experience deep safety within your system again and naturally blossom into your whole being.

Welcome. It`s good to have you here.

Healing means coming home to love.

It means moving from a life in survival mode into a life of naturally unfolding your true nature and potential. In your own time.

In my work I invite people to slowly step out of living in old trauma responses, self harming patterns and restrictive strategies and learn to build up the foundations for a different way of living.

Your life changes when your body feels like a safe home, your whole being feels welcomed. You feel seen, received and responded to. You are nourished and in ongoing connection.

These are our primal needs when we first arrive in our mothers belly. The degree to how much they were met is our capacity to unfold our potential.

The good news is: We can meet those needs at any time in our life and give our nervous systems the chance to rewire itself.

You can build a new foundation. And you don`t have to do it alone.

Let me take you onto the journey of somatically experiencing the wholeness that was always meant for you.

Come home with me.

Hi, I am Eva.

Let me tell you more about my journey and qualifications.


Get in touch.

Write me a message to book a free consultation call to find out how we can best work together or to be put on my email list for regular updates on somatics and my work.